“We decided to build a house: had the architects drawing complete, chosen an contractor and you think that’s it. But it only just started: numerous questions had to be answered and choices to be made while laying the first stone […]
“We decided to build a house: had the architects drawing complete, chosen an contractor and you think that’s it. But it only just started: numerous questions had to be answered and choices to be made while laying the first stone […]
“Wij besloten een huis te gaan bouwen: tekening architect compleet, aannemer gekozen en dan denk je dat je er bent. Maar toen begon het juist: talloze vragen moesten beantwoord worden en keuzes gemaakt terwijl de eerste steen nog lang niet […]
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Mijntje van de Sande
Engweg 14, atelier 2.03
Utrechtse Heuvelrug, the Netherlands